Building TJDO From Source


Build Tools

Additional Libraries

File Place In Needed To
Enhance Apps Run Apps Build TJDO Test TJDO
lib/ X X X X
jdori.jar lib/ X     X
jta.jar lib/   X X X
ojdbc14.jar lib/   X* X* X*
junit.jar (v1.8+) $ANT_HOME/lib       X
lib/test       X*
DBMS-specific jars lib/test/dbname       X

* = optional.


  1. Download the latest source of TJDO.
  2. Install any necessary software listed above.
  3. Run ant from the project root directory. See the Ant project file "build.xml" or type:
    ant -projecthelp
    to see the available targets.


The unit test suite includes tests that perform a fairly thorough exercise of TJDO using a real database.

To run the TJDO unit tests:

  1. Create a lib/test/dbname directory containing the following:

    The properties file must define JDBC connection parameters by including the following:

    database.driver=JDBC driver class name database.url=JDBC driver URL database.user=Database user name (if needed) database.password=Database password (if needed)

    To see all the databases you have setup in lib/test, type:

    ant get-db-list

  2. To run the tests on a specific database, type either of:

    ant -Ddb=dbname unit-tests ant -Ddb=dbname unit-tests-twice
    The latter runs the all the tests twice; once with auto-created tables and once again with existing tables, which helps test schema validation.

    To run the tests on all defined databases type:

    ant unit-tests-all

    A test_results/ directory will be created to hold the results of individual test runs. Ant's <junitreport> task is used to generate pretty JUnit test result pages.