Interface CollectionStore

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public interface CollectionStore

The backing store for a collection.

The collection involved might be a SetStore or might be the keys or values in a MapStore viewed as a CollectionStore.

Mike Martin

Method Summary
 boolean allowsNulls()
          Indicates whether or not null elements are allowed to be stored.
 java.lang.Class getElementType()
          Returns the type of elements stored in the collection.
 boolean isEmbeddedElement()
          Indicates whether or not elements are "embedded" in the store.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName collectionRangeVar)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName collectionRangeVar, CorrelationName elementRangeVar, java.lang.Class elementSubtype)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection to elements of a specific type.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Class getElementType()
Returns the type of elements stored in the collection.


public boolean isEmbeddedElement()
Indicates whether or not elements are "embedded" in the store. An embedded object is stored by value (SCO), otherwise an OID reference is stored (FCO).


public boolean allowsNulls()
Indicates whether or not null elements are allowed to be stored.


public QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs,
                                                         CorrelationName collectionRangeVar)
Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection. No columns have been selected yet in the new subquery.

qs - The surrounding query statement.
collectionRangeVar - The range variable to be used for the "Set" table in the subquery.
An array of two QueryColumns representing the owner ID column and the element or element ID column, respectively, in the subquery.


public QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs,
                                                         CorrelationName collectionRangeVar,
                                                         CorrelationName elementRangeVar,
                                                         java.lang.Class elementSubtype)
Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection to elements of a specific type. No columns have been selected yet in the new subquery.

qs - The surrounding query statement.
collectionRangeVar - The range variable to be used for the "Set" table in the subquery.
elementRangeVar - The range variable to be used for the "Element" table in the subquery, if necessary.
elementSubtype - Attempts to query only over elements of this type.
An array of two QueryColumns representing the owner ID column and the element or element ID column, respectively, in the subquery.

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