Uses of Interface

Packages that use StatementTextGenerator   

Uses of StatementTextGenerator in

Subinterfaces of StatementTextGenerator in
static interface AbstractSqlExpression.Body
          The "body" of an SQL expression.
static interface AbstractSqlExpression.CompoundExpression
          The "body" of an SQL expression made up of one or more component SQL expressions.
static interface AbstractSqlExpression.SimpleColumnReference
          The "body" of an SQL expression which references no more than one column.
static interface AbstractSqlExpression.SubqueryExpression
          The "body" of an SQL expression made up of a subquery.
 interface SqlExpression
          An expression within an SQL query statement.

Classes in that implement StatementTextGenerator
 class AbstractSqlExpression
 class AlternativesExpression
          A series of two or more boolean expressions combined with OR.
 class BetweenExpression
          An SQL expression using the BETWEEN operator.
 class BinaryExpression
 class BinaryLiteral
 class BooleanBitColumnExpression
 class BooleanBitColumnLiteral
 class BooleanCharColumnExpression
 class BooleanCharColumnLiteral
 class BooleanExpression
 class BooleanLiteral
 class CandidateSetExpression
          A set expression that represents some collection in a query candidate class, or a collection obtained from an object linked from the candidate class by navigation.
 class CharacterExpression
 class CharacterLiteral
(package private)  class
          An SQL expression using a comparison operator.
 class DateLiteral
 class DecimalLiteral
          A decimal literal value.
 class FcoExpression
 class FloatingPointLiteral
 class IntegerLiteral
 class MapExpression
          A SQL expression representing a map.
 class MapFieldExpression
          A map expression that represents some map field in a query candidate class, or a map field in an object linked from the candidate class by navigation.
 class MapLiteral
          A MapLiteral is a SQL expression that will test if a column of a table exists within the given Map's keys or values.
 class NullLiteral
 class NumericExpression
(package private)  class
          A numeric literal value.
 class ObjectDatastoreIdExpression
 class ObjectExpression
 class ObjectLiteral
 class ObjectNondurableIdExpression
 class ObjectReferenceExpression
 class OIDExpression
 class OIDLiteral
 class QueryStatement
          An SQL SELECT statement that can be constructed programmatically.
 class SetExpression
          A SQL expression representing a set of scalar values.
 class SetLiteral
          A SetLiteral is a SQL expression that will test if a column of table falls within the given Set of values.
 class SimulatedBooleanColumnExpression
          A boolean SQL expression referencing a database column that is treated as a boolean but whose real SQL type is not boolean.
 class SqlDateExpression
 class SqlDateLiteral
 class SqlTimestampExpression
 class SqlTimestampLiteral
 class StarLiteral
 class StringExpression
 class StringLiteral
 class SubquerySetExpression
          A set expression whose contents are expressed as a SQL subquery.
 class TypeNameLiteral
 class UnboundVariable

Methods in with parameters of type StatementTextGenerator
 StatementText StatementText.append(StatementTextGenerator txtGen)

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