
Interface Summary
ClassTable A database table that serves as backing for a persistence-capable Java class.
Sql92Constants Contains various constants from the SQL/92 standard.

Class Summary
CatalogName An SQL catalog name.
ClassBaseTable A database base table that serves as backing for a persistence-capable Java class.
Column A column in a database table.
ColumnName An SQL column name.
ConstraintName An SQL constraint name.
CorrelationName An SQL correlation name.
IndexName An SQL index name.
QualifiedName An SQL qualified name.
SchemaName An SQL schema name.
SqlIdentifier An SQL identifier.
TableName An SQL table name.

Exception Summary
ColumnDefinitionException An ColumnDefinitionException is thrown if the settings of a database column are incompatible with the data type of the object field to which it is mapped.
DuplicateColumnNameException A DuplicateColumnNameException is thrown if an attempt is made to add a column to a table with a name already in-use by an existing column.
IncompatibleDataTypeException A IncompatibleDataTypeException is thrown if a column is detected to have an incompatible type in the database during schema validation.
InvalidOidInTableException A InvalidOidInTableException is thrown if an OID is found in a table other than those allowed based on it's class ID.
IsNotNullableException An IsNotNullableException is thrown during schema validation if a column is detected not to allow null values in the database when it should.
IsNullableException An IsNullableException is thrown during schema validation if a column is detected to allow null values in the database when it should not.
MissingColumnException A MissingColumnException is thrown if an expected column is not found in the database during schema validation.
MissingForeignKeysException A MissingForeignKeysException is thrown if an expected foreign key is not found in the database during schema validation.
MissingIndicesException A MissingIndicesException is thrown if an expected index is not found in the database during schema validation.
MissingSchemaTableEntryException A MissingSchemaTableEntryException is thrown if an expected row is not found in the SchemaTable during schema validation.
MissingTableException A MissingTableException is thrown if an expected table is not found in the database during schema validation.
NotABaseTableException A NotABaseTableException is thrown during schema validation if a table should be a base table but is found not to be in the database.
NotAViewException A NotAViewException is thrown during schema validation if a table should be a view but is found not to be in the database.
PrimaryKeyColumnNotAllowedException A PrimaryKeyColumnNotAllowedException is thrown if an attempt is made to add a primary key column to a view.
TooManyForeignKeysException A TooManyForeignKeysException is thrown when trying to add a foreign key to a table and the table already has the maximum allowed number of foreign keys.
TooManyIndicesException A TooManyIndicesException is thrown when trying to add an index to a table and the table already has the maximum allowed number of indices.
UnexpectedColumnException A UnexpectedColumnException is thrown if an unexpected column is encountered in the database during schema validation.
ViewDefinitionException A ViewDefinitionException is thrown if the metadata extension(s) that define a view are missing or invalid.
WrongPrecisionException A WrongPrecisionException is thrown if a column is detected to have the wrong precision in the database during schema validation.
WrongPrimaryKeyException A WrongPrimaryKeyException is thrown if a table is detected not to have the expected primary key in the database during schema validation.
WrongScaleException A WrongScaleException is thrown if a column is detected to have the wrong scale in the database during schema validation.

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