TriActive JDO (TJDO) is an implementation of Sun's Java Data Objects specification. It is based on version 1.0.1 of the spec, but includes some features found in the 2.0 spec.
TJDO is licensed under the Apache Software License.
conf | Sample configuration files. |
docs/ | This document and other supporting docs. |
docs/api/ | Javadoc API documentation. |
lib/jdo.jar | The JDO 1.1 API. |
lib/jdori.jar | The JDO 1.1 Reference Implementation. |
lib/tjdo.jar | The TriActive JDO runtime. |
tjdo.jar and jdo.jar need to be stored together in the same directory, but only tjdo.jar actually needs to be in your CLASSPATH (it finds jdo.jar automatically using the manifest "Class-Path:" mechanism). jdori.jar is only needed when enhancing classes.
* = optional.
File(s) | Needed To | Description | |||
Enhance Apps | Run Apps | Build TJDO | Test TJDO | ||
jdo.jar | X | X | X | X | JDO 1.1 API interfaces. Packaged with TJDO. |
jdori.jar |
X | X | The Apache JDO 1.1 Reference Implementation, which is used for class enhancing. Packaged with TJDO. | ||
commons-logging-....jar |
X | X | X | X | Jakarta Logging. Used by TJDO and the Apache JDO RI. |
jta.jar | X* | X* | X* | Java Transaction API (JTA). Usually not needed if running within an application server. Available from Sun at | |
ojdbc14.jar | X* | X* | X* | The Oracle JDBC driver jar is necessary in order to build the Oracle adapter classes in TJDO. If the adapter classes are not built then the resulting tjdo.jar will not work with Oracle. | |
junit.jar | X | JUnit 1.8 or greater. | |||
commons-dbcp-....jar commons-collections-....jar commons-pool-....jar |
X* | Jakarta DBCP and its dependent packages, the Collections and Pool components. These are optional but, if present, are used for connection pooling during TJDO unit testing. |
JDO requires that bytecode be "enhanced" to make designated classes persistence-capable. TriActive JDO does not include a bytecode enhancer utility, but its runtime can be used with any classes enhanced by a utility that conforms to the JDO spec.
TJDO does include an invocation wrapper around the class enhancer in the Apache Reference Implementation. It can be invoked from the command line as:
java com.triactive.jdo.enhance.ApacheReferenceEnhancer [-l listfile] [-v] [-d outputdirectory] jdometadatafile ...
If you're using Ant to build your project, you can add the lines similar to those below to your compile task to perform class enhancement:
<copy todir="${project.classes}"> <fileset dir="${project.src}" includes="**/*.jdo"/> </copy> <apply executable="java" parallel="true" failonerror="true"> <arg value="com.triactive.jdo.enhance.ApacheReferenceEnhancer"/> <arg value="-d"/> <arg value="${project.classes}"/> <fileset dir="${project.classes}" includes="**/*.jdo"/> </apply>
Note that this also copies all JDO metadata files to your classes/ directory. The metadata files are needed at both enhancement time and at run time.
TJDO can be configured using a number of configuration properties. They fall into two groups:
The first group can be included either in the properties passed to JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory() or as system properties or both, with the former overriding the latter. They consist of the commonly modified properties.
Property | Possible Values | Default Value | Purpose |
com.triactive.jdo.ValidateTables | "true" "false" |
"true" | Selects whether TJDO should automatically validate the structure of all database tables to ensure they're compatible with your Java classes. |
com.triactive.jdo.ValidateConstraints | "true" "false" |
"true" | Selects whether TJDO should automatically validate the existence of all appropriate foreign key constraints and indexes. |
com.triactive.jdo.AutoCreateTables | "true" "false" |
"false" | Selects whether TJDO should automatically create any missing database tables and/or table constraints. Only applicable if table and/or constraint validation is enabled. |
com.triactive.jdo.TransactionIsolation | "serializable" "repeatable read" "read committed" "read uncommitted" |
"serializable" | Selects the default JDBC transaction isolation level for all PersistenceManagerFactories. The values are case-insensitive, and spaces and underscores are equivalent. Can be overridden for individual PersistenceManagerFactories or individual Transactions using the setTransactionIsolation() method. |
com.triactive.jdo.ResultSetType | "forward only" "scroll insensitive" "scroll sensitive" |
"scroll insensitive" | Selects the default JDBC result set type for all PersistenceManagerFactories. The values are case-insensitive, and spaces and underscores are equivalent. Can be overridden for individual PersistenceManagerFactories or individual Transactions using the setResultSetType() method. |
com.triactive.jdo.FetchSize | Integer ≥ 0 | 0 | Selects the default JDBC fetch size for all PersistenceManagerFactories. Zero means no specific size. Can be overridden for individual PersistenceManagerFactories or individual Transactions using the setFetchSize() method. |
com.triactive.jdo.ForceConnectionInit | "true" "false" |
"false" | Selects whether to forcibly initialize every JDBC connection obtained from your underlying DataSource. If enabled, setAutoCommit() and setTransactionIsolationLevel() are called on every connection before use. Otherwise, they're called only if the required setting differs from the connection's default setting. If your DataSource config results in InconsistentConnectionStateExceptions, set this to "true" to compensate. |
com.triactive.jdo.JdbcTrace | See Tracing | null | Controls the JDBC trace facility. The value is a comma-separated list of tracing options. An empty string disables tracing. |
The second group can only be provided as system properties. They are rarely used, and may be replaced or removed in future versions.
Property | Possible Values | Default Value | Purpose |
com.triactive.jdo.useUpdateLock | "true" "false" |
"false" | Selects whether TJDO should use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE on all fetch operations to prevent the possibility of dirty writes. This only applies if the transaction isolation level is "read committed" or "read uncommitted". |
com.triactive.jdo.useValidatingXmlParser | "true" "false" |
"true" | Selects whether TJDO should use a validating XML parser to parse metadata files. | | Any valid Oracle linguistic definition name | "LATIN" | On Oracle, selects the sort ordering for String fields in queries. TJDO applies the NLSSORT() function to all String columns in generated ORDER BY clauses. This property selects the NLS_SORT parameter passed to the function. | | Integer > 0 | "3" | A few internal JDO operations execute a transaction with SERIALIZABLE isolation, independent of the configured transactionIsolation. These transactions can produce concurrency collisions (such as "ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction"), in which case they are retried. This property specifies the maximum number of attempts (including the first attempt). | | Integer > 0 | "24" | The amount of time in hours after which knowledge of a specific database schema is considered stale and eligible for discarding. Discarding is equivalent to SchemaManager.reset(). Default is 24 hours. | | Integer ≥ 0 | "10000" | The amount of time difference tolerated between this host and the database, in milliseconds. If the difference exceeds this value a warning is logged. Ignored if the database cannot provide a current timestamp. Default is 10 seconds. |
TJDO uses Jakarta Commons Logging for logging certain run-time events. Commons Logging can be configured to use any of a number of different underlying log mechanisms, including Log4J. A sample configuration file ( for Log4J is included with TJDO. If you fail to configure a logger no logging will take place.
The following log categories provide debug logging (they all correspond to internal TJDO class names):
Category Name | Data Logged At DEBUG Level |
com.triactive.jdo.NonmanagedTransaction | Transaction begin and end notifications and transactional cache updates |
com.triactive.jdo.model.ClassMetaData | Metadata loading |
com.triactive.jdo.sco.* | State changes on second-class wrapper objects |
com.triactive.jdo.state.* | State changes on PersistenceCapable objects | | Loading of table metadata w/load time |* | Compiler input (filter, ordering, etc.), output (SQL), and compilation time | | Periodic cache statistics (capacity/size/calls/hits) | | JDBC statement parameters (for most statement executions) |
com.triactive.jdo.util.Imports | References to non-existent classes |
com.triactive.jdo.util.ReferenceValueMap | Periodic cache statistics (size/hits/misses/clears) |
Most of the JDBC activity generated by TJDO can be traced and logged. In particular, the logging of executed SQL statements often provides valuable feedback re. the activity of the TJDO runtime.
When enabled, all trace output is sent to a single log category:
Category Name | Data Logged |
com.triactive.jdo.JdbcTrace | Trace of JDBC activity |
Tracing is enabled by setting the config property com.triactive.jdo.JdbcTrace. The setting is a comma-separated string of keywords indicating which tracing options to enable. All options not specified are disabled by default.
The available trace options are:
Option keyword | Description | Log level |
LogExecutionTimes | Logs every executed SQL statement and its execution time in milliseconds | INFO |
LogExecutionFailures | Logs every SQL statement whose execution throws a SQLException | ERROR |
LogWarnings | Logs every SQLWarning produced by a Connection, Statement, or ResultSet | WARN |
LogExecutionFailures is particularly useful with those very unhelpful JDBC drivers (such as Oracle's) whose SQLExceptions don't report the offending SQL.