Uses of Class

Packages that use CorrelationName   

Uses of CorrelationName in

Methods in with parameters of type CorrelationName
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] OneToManySetStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName setRangeVar)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection. No columns have been selected yet in the new subquery.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] OneToManySetStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName setRangeVar, CorrelationName elementRangeVar, java.lang.Class elementSubtype)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection to elements of a specific type. No columns have been selected yet in the new subquery.
protected  QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] OneToManyMapStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName setRangeVar, Column elemColumn)
protected  QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] OneToManyMapStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName setRangeVar, CorrelationName elemRangeVar, java.lang.Class elemSubtype, Column elemColumn)
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] ManyToManySetStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName setRangeVar)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection. No columns have been selected yet in the new subquery.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] ManyToManySetStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName setRangeVar, CorrelationName elementRangeVar, java.lang.Class elementSubtype)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection to elements of a specific type. No columns have been selected yet in the new subquery.
protected  QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] ManyToManyMapStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName collectionRangeVar, Column elemColumn)
protected  QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] ManyToManyMapStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName collectionRangeVar, CorrelationName elemRangeVar, java.lang.Class elemSubtype, Column elemColumn)
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] CollectionStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName collectionRangeVar)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] CollectionStore.newSubqueryStatement(QueryStatement qs, CorrelationName collectionRangeVar, CorrelationName elementRangeVar, java.lang.Class elementSubtype)
          Creates a subquery of the given query that selects all the relationships in the collection to elements of a specific type.

Uses of CorrelationName in

Methods in with parameters of type CorrelationName
 QueryStatement DatabaseAdapter.newQueryStatement(StoreManager storeMgr, Table table, CorrelationName rangeVar)
 QueryStatement DatabaseAdapter.newQueryStatement(StoreManager storeMgr, Table table, CorrelationName rangeVar, QueryStatement subquery)
 TableExpression DatabaseAdapter.newTableExpression(QueryStatement qs, Table table, CorrelationName rangeVar)
          Returns a new TableExpression object appropriate for this DBMS.

Uses of CorrelationName in

Fields in declared as CorrelationName
protected  CorrelationName TableExpression.mainRangeVar
protected  CorrelationName QueryStatement.defaultRangeVar
          The range variable for the default table expression, ie "THIS".

Methods in that return CorrelationName
 CorrelationName TableExpression.mainRangeVariable()
 CorrelationName TableExprAsSubquery.referenceColumn(Column col)
 CorrelationName TableExprAsSubjoins.referenceColumn(Column col)
 CorrelationName QueryStatement.QueryColumn.getRangeVariable()
          Returns the range variable (table alias) for the column in its query statement.

Methods in with parameters of type CorrelationName
 QueryStatement QueryStatement.newSubqueryStatement(Table table, CorrelationName rangeVar)
          Produces a new subquery of this query, such as might be used in an SQL EXISTS() function, etc.
 TableExpression QueryStatement.getTableExpression(CorrelationName rangeVar)
          Returns the table expression associated with the range variable rangeVar.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn QueryStatement.getColumn(CorrelationName rangeVar, Column col)
          Returns a query column object for the specified column in the specified table expression.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn QueryStatement.join(JoinType type, Table table, CorrelationName rangeVar, QueryStatement.QueryColumn from, Column to)
          Performs a join on the equality of two columns.
 QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] QueryStatement.join(JoinType type, Table table, CorrelationName rangeVar, QueryStatement.QueryColumn[] from, Column[] to)
          Performs a join on the equality of two lists of columns.

Constructors in with parameters of type CorrelationName
TableExpression(QueryStatement qs, Table mainTable, CorrelationName mainRangeVar)
TableExprAsSubquery(QueryStatement qs, Table mainTable, CorrelationName mainRangeVar)
TableExprAsSubjoins(QueryStatement qs, Table mainTable, CorrelationName mainRangeVar)
TableExprAsJoins(QueryStatement qs, Table mainTable, CorrelationName mainRangeVar)
QueryStatement(StoreManager storeMgr, Table initialTable, CorrelationName initialRangeVar, QueryStatement superquery)
          Constructs a new query statement.

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