
Class Summary
CatalogInfo The base class of all catalog metadata value classes.
CatalogInfoCache Used to access all database metadata that is catalog information.
ColumnInfo Represents the metadata of a specific table column.
DatabaseAdapter Provides methods for adapting SQL language elements to a specific vendor's database.
DatabaseIdentifier Represents identifying information for a particular database and driver.
DatabaseIdentifierJdbc2 A database identifier used with drivers that conform to JDBC 2.
DatabaseIdentifierJdbc3 A database identifier used with drivers that conform to JDBC 3 or higher.
ForeignKeyInfo Represents the metadata of a specific foreign key column.
HsqldbAdapter Provides methods for adapting SQL language elements to the hsqldb database.
IndexInfo Represents the metadata of a specific index column.
MysqlAdapter Provides methods for adapting SQL language elements to the MySQL database.
PointBaseAdapter Provides methods for adapting SQL language elements to the PointBase database.
PostgresqlAdapter Provides methods for adapting SQL language elements to the PostgreSQL database.
PostgresqlSqlState A SQLSTATE diagnostic code for PostgreSQL.
PostgresqlSqlState.ClassCode Contains constants for known SQLSTATE class codes.
PrimaryKeyInfo Represents the metadata of a specific primary key column.
SqlState A SQLSTATE diagnostic code.
SqlState.ClassCode Contains constants for known SQLSTATE class codes.
TableInfo Represents the metadata of a specific table.
TypeInfo Represents the metadata of a specific JDBC data type.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedDataTypeException A UnsupportedDataTypeException is thrown if an attempt is made to persist an object field whose data type is not supported by the database and/or the persistence package.

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