
Interface Summary
CollectionStore The backing store for a collection.
MapStore Implements the backing store for a Map field.
PersistentMap A map which is directly backed by the data store.
PersistentSet A set which is directly backed by the data store.
SetStore Implements the backing store for a Set field.

Class Summary
DatastoreOIDGenerator An OID generator backed by the sequences in JDO_TABLE.
ManyToManyMapStore The backing store for a many-to-many map defined over a join table.
ManyToManySetStore The backing store for a many-to-many set defined over a join table.
NondurableOIDGenerator An OID generator backed solely by memory.
OID An object identifier.
OIDGenerator Generates OIDs for a single class of objects.
OneToManyMapStore The backing store for a one-to-many map defined over the class base table of its values.
OneToManySetStore The backing store for a one-to-many set defined over the class base table of its elements.
RetryableTransaction An abstract base class for JDBC transactions that can be retried in the face of transient failures.
SCOID A "second-class" object identifier.
StoreManager Manages the contents of a data store (aka database schema) on behalf of a particular PersistenceManagerFactory and all its persistent instances.

Exception Summary
ClassDefinitionException A ClassDefinitionException is thrown if the settings of a persistent class are inconsistent with it's metadata.
InvalidMetaDataRelationshipException A InvalidMetaDataRelationshipException is thrown if the metadata for a persistent field declares a relationship to another field, but the field on the other side has no complementary declaration.
NoExtentException A NoExtentException is thrown if an attempt is made to perform an operation using a class that is not backed by an extent (ie table or view) in the database and the operation is not supported on such classes.
NoSuchPersistentFieldException A NoSuchPersistentFieldException is thrown if a reference is made somewhere, such as in a query filter string, to a field that either doesn't exist or is not persistent.
ObjectNotFoundException An ObjectNotFoundException is thrown if an attempt is made to load a persistent object having a given ID and that object ID does not exist in the data store.
OIDOverflowException A OIDOverflowException is thrown if no more OIDs can be generated for a given class of objects.
PersistentSuperclassNotAllowedException A PersistentSuperclassNotAllowedException is thrown if a persistence-capable class is declared to have a persistence-capable superclass when that class is backed by a view.
SchemaValidationException A SchemaValidationException is thrown if a mismatch is discovered between what the JDO runtime thinks the schema should look like and what it actually looks like.
ViewNotSupportedException A ViewNotSupportedException is thrown if an attempt is made to perform an operation using a class that is backed by a view and the operation is not supported on such classes.

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