Uses of Class

Packages that use SchemaValidationException   

Uses of SchemaValidationException in

Subclasses of SchemaValidationException in
 class IncompatibleDataTypeException
          A IncompatibleDataTypeException is thrown if a column is detected to have an incompatible type in the database during schema validation.
 class IsNotNullableException
          An IsNotNullableException is thrown during schema validation if a column is detected not to allow null values in the database when it should.
 class IsNullableException
          An IsNullableException is thrown during schema validation if a column is detected to allow null values in the database when it should not.
 class MissingColumnException
          A MissingColumnException is thrown if an expected column is not found in the database during schema validation.
 class MissingForeignKeysException
          A MissingForeignKeysException is thrown if an expected foreign key is not found in the database during schema validation.
 class MissingIndicesException
          A MissingIndicesException is thrown if an expected index is not found in the database during schema validation.
 class MissingSchemaTableEntryException
          A MissingSchemaTableEntryException is thrown if an expected row is not found in the SchemaTable during schema validation.
 class MissingTableException
          A MissingTableException is thrown if an expected table is not found in the database during schema validation.
 class NotABaseTableException
          A NotABaseTableException is thrown during schema validation if a table should be a base table but is found not to be in the database.
 class NotAViewException
          A NotAViewException is thrown during schema validation if a table should be a view but is found not to be in the database.
 class UnexpectedColumnException
          A UnexpectedColumnException is thrown if an unexpected column is encountered in the database during schema validation.
 class WrongPrecisionException
          A WrongPrecisionException is thrown if a column is detected to have the wrong precision in the database during schema validation.
 class WrongPrimaryKeyException
          A WrongPrimaryKeyException is thrown if a table is detected not to have the expected primary key in the database during schema validation.
 class WrongScaleException
          A WrongScaleException is thrown if a column is detected to have the wrong scale in the database during schema validation.

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